Aug 21 2016 (20:35)
Blog Post# 1969245-0
piyushs23^~ Added by: piyushs23^~ Nov 03 2017 (20:23)
Some Full form name from indian railway:-
AC Air-Conditioned
ACC Air-Conditioned coach or class
ACCC Air-Conditioned Chair Car
Alarm Chain Pulling (!)
ADE, ADEN Assistant Divisional Engineer
ADEE Assistant Divisional Electrical Engineer
ADME Assistant Divisional Mechanical Engineer
AE, AEN Assistant Engineer (see also Technical terms above)
AEC Accident Enquiry Committee
ALK Allowance in Lieu of Kilometrage (in calculating payments for drivers)
ARMV Accident Relief Medical Van
ART Accident Relief Train
ARTS Advanced Railway Ticketing System
ASM Assistant Station Master
AW Auxiliary Watering (in working timetables)
AWS Auxiliary Warning System
BESA British Engineering Standards Association
BG Broad Gauge
BIO-TOIL 'Biological Toilet' - eco-friendly toilet with bacterial decomposition facility developed by ICF for use on railway coaches.
B/L Branch Line
BOLT Build-Own-Lease-Transfer: private ownership/operation scheme for various freight & passenger services and infrastructure.
BPS Blue Parcel Service
CA&FO Chief Accounting and Finance Officer
CARS Central Accounting and Reporting System (consolidated reports of ARTS ticketing during the day)
CBO City Booking Office
CC Chair Car
CCS Chief Commercial Superintendent
CCTV Closed-Circuit TV
CEE Chief Electrical Engineer
CFTS Chief Freight Traffic Superintendent
CFS Container Freight Station
CHA Custom House Agent
CME Chief Mechanical Engineer
COIS Coaching Operations Information System
Conc. Concessional fare (annotation on ticket)
CARTRAC (not really an acronym) CONCOR's automobile transport service
CONCERT COuntrywide Network of Computerised Enhanced Reservation and Ticketing
CONTRACK (not really an acronym) CONCOR's container freight service
COW Career On Wheels: informal classrooms for teaching English, etc., on board trains
CRS Chief Reservations Supervisor, Computerised Reservation System Commissioner of Rail Safety
CT Control Tower
CTI Central Training Institute
CTR Combined Train Report
CTU Centralized Training Unit
CVM Coupon Validating Machine (for ticketing with prepaid coupons)
C&W Carriage & Wagon (staff for plumbing, electricals, amenities)
CW Carriage Watering facilities (in working timetables)
DAL Delhi Avoiding Line, a route for goods trains to avoid the central New Delhi area.
DCT Domestic Container Terminal (as opposed to the ones equipped for international freight)
DEE Divisional Electrical Engineer (Sr. DEE = Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer)
DF Development Fund
DFC Dedicated Freight Corridor
DF Defence quota
DME Divisional Mechanical Engineer
DP Duty Pass
DRF Depreciation Reserve Fund
DRM Divisional Railway Manager
DRUCC Divisional (or District) Rail Users Consultative Committee
DSC Dual-stacked (or double-stacked) containers
E/A Extra time Allowed (slack in train's schedule for a section)
EC or ECC Executive Chair Car
ECR Empty Coaching Rake
EFC Eastern Freight Corridor
EQ Emergency Quota
ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESM Electronic Signal Maintainer
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
EY Empty rake (on train monitoring systems)
F Forward journey (in train number annotations)
FC First Class, also Financial Commissioner, also Freight Corridor
FEDL Fully Electrified Double Line
FOB Foot Overbridge (a pedestrian overpass); Fuel Oil Balance
FOIS Freight Operation Information System
FRED Flashing Rear End Device (a warning lamp at the rear of a train)
FT Foreign Tourist (annotation on reservation charts)
G Goods
GAL Goods Avoiding Line
GIT Goods Intermodal Transshipment (e.g., "GIT yard")
GM General Manager
GR General Rules (railway regulations and operating procedures)
GRP Government Railway Police
GSA General Sales Agent (for bookings and Indrail passes sold abroad)
GTKM Gross Tonne KM
HDR High-Density Route
HDN High-Density Network ('Golden quadrilateral' and others)
HO Head Office (a type of quota for tickets)
HP Handicapped Persons quota
HSRL High Speed Rail Line (or Link)
IBP Intermediate Block Post
IC Inspection Carriage (Saloon)
ICD Inland Container Depot
ICTT International Container Transshipment Terminal
I-ASK Inter-Active Status Kiosk (to check reservation / train status)
IMPRESS Integrated Multi-train Passenger REServation System
IOH Intermediate Overhaul
IOW Inspector of Works
IRMP Integrated Railway Modernization Plan
IRP Indrail Pass
IRS Indian Railway Standard (pre-Independence railway standards body)
IRVS Interactive Voice Response System
JOH Junction of Head - point where the tongue rail approaches the main rail in a switch
JUSBRL Jammu Udhampur Srinagar Baramulla Rail Link (Kashmir Valley railway project)
LB Lower Berth (annotation on ticket for sleeping accommodation)
LC Level Crossing
LHF Long Hood Forward
LHL Long Hood Leading
LI Loco Inspector
L/L Local Line
LQ Ladies Quota
LRT Light Rail Transit
LV Last Vehicle
MB Middle Berth (annotation on ticket for sleeping accommodation)
MCO Military Control Office (coordinates ticketing and accommodation for military personnel at some railway stations)
M/E Mail/Express (on tickets)
MG Meter Gauge, also Motor Generator
MGC Mekong Ganga Cooperation group, an association of India and south-east Asian countries, which among other things aim to build a rail link from India to Vietnam.
M/L Main Line
MOW Maintenance of Way
MRT Medical Relief Train (self-propelled medical van for accidents)
MRTC Mobile Radio Train Communication
MSL Mean Sea Level
MTP Metropolitan Transport Project (body studying Calcutta's transit problems in the 1960's)
NETRA Network of Electrification -- Testing and Recording Apparatus
NG Narrow Gauge
NLT Not Losing Time
NMG New Maruti Goods / New Modified Goods (wagons)
NOSTRAC North-South Transport Corridor (proposed Central Asia - Iran - India link)
NP Non-pooled (referring to freight stock)
NR 'Not Received' (referring to freight consignments delayed or missing in transit)
NRC Non-railway Customer (any customer other than the zonal railways, for the products of CLW, DLW, etc.)
NTES National Train Enquiry System (phone-based train/reservation status)
NTKM Net Tonne-Kilometer
NV Non-Vegetarian (meal or restaurant)
NVOCC Non-Vehicle Owning/Operating Common Carrier
OA Out-Agency
OCV Other Coaching Vehicle
OIGS On India Government Service (for mail, etc.)
Ordy. Ordinary = Stopping passenger (on tickets)
OSD Officer on Special Duty
OYWS Own Your Wagon Scheme
PAR Parcel Service (in indicating kinds of bookings available at ticket agency)
PCV Passenger Coaching Vehicle
PF Platform (sometimes P/F)
PH Parliamentary Quota
PNR Passenger Name Record (Passenger Numeric Record?) (identifying number for ticket)
POH Periodic Overhaul
POL Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants (designation for oil cargo)
PQ Pooled Quota
PQWL Pooled Quota Waiting List
PRS Passenger Reservation System
PS Passenger Service (in indicating kinds of bookings available at ticket agency)
PSCT Port-side Container Terminal
PU Production Unit
PWI Permanent Way Inspector
R Return journey (in train number annotations)
RA Running Allowance (in calculating drivers' pay)
RAC Reservation Against Cancellation
RCC Railway Convention Committee (also see above)
R Fee, Res Fee Reservation fee (annotation on ticket)
RJQ Return Journey Quota
RLWL Running Line Waiting List
RMS Railway Mail Service
ROB Road Over-bridge (i.e., road goes over train tracks)
ROH Routine Overhaul
RO-RO (RORO) Roll-on, roll-off service (auto transport)
ROW Right of Way
RPF Railway Pension Fund (also see above, organizations)
RR Railway Receipt, Refreshment Room
RRF Railway Reserve Fund
RTR Ready-to-Run (modelling kits)
RTSA Rail Travellers' Service Agents
RUB Road Under-bridge (i.e., road goes under train tracks)
SATIS Station Area Traffic Improvement Scheme
S Ch, SF Ch Superfast Charges (annotation on ticket)
SCRA Special Class Railway Apprentice
SEB State Electricity Board (any of the state bodies supplying electricity to IR)
Sh. CC Shatabdi Chair Car
SHF Short Hood Forward
SHL Short Hood Leading
SIL Safety Integrity Level - statistical measure of reliability of a safety system such as an interlocking system
SLB Side Lower Berth (annotation on ticket for sleeping accommodation)
SM Station Master
SPART Self-Propelled Accident Relief Train - 3-coach accident relief rakes with two diesel power packs
SPURT Self-Propelled Ultrasonic Rail Testing cars
SR Subsidiary Rules (for railway operation, see GR)
SRUCC Suburban Rail Users Consultative Committee (for Mumbai suburban services)
SS Station Superintendent; Substation (electrification)
SSD Spring Setting Device - spring-loaded mechanism on some switches to ensure proper alignment of tongue and stock rails
SSE Senior Section Engineer
S&T Signalling & Telecommunications
Suburban Traffic Avoiding line : the fifth line between Borivali and Bandra Marshalling Yard, and between Mahim Junction and Mumbai Central in the Mumbai system.
SUB Side Upper Berth (annotation on ticket for sleeping accommodation)
TAAG Trains At A Glance (a timetable publication)
TAR Trans-Asian Railway (another proposed grand pan-Asian route)
TBO Town Booking Office
TC Trailer Car (unpowered car in EMU rake), Ticket Checker / Ticket Collector
TCF Train Coming From (condition of block instrument)
TDR Ticket Deposit Receipt (when surrendering ticket for cancellation / refund)
TEU Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (for measuring container traffic; a standard 40-foot container is 2 TEUs)
TGT Train Going To (condition of block instrument)
TMS Train Management System
TRS Traction Rolling Stock
TS Train Superintendent
TT Timetable
TTE Travelling Ticket Examiner
CK Tatkal Quota
TXR Train Examiner, the officer who issues the BPC and VCC (Train Inspector)
UB Upper Berth (annotation on ticket for sleeping accommodation)
UEC Universal Emergency Communication (a system of on-board communication in some trains)
V Vegetarian (meal or restaurant)
V Ch, Vou Ch Voucher charges (annotation on ticket)
VG Vegetarian (meal or restaurant), also Vehicle Guidance (the record of identifying numbers for coaches/wagons that make up a train)
VLRR Vegetarian Light Refreshment Room
VT Victoria Terminus (now Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus)
WFC Western Freight Corridor
WL, W/L Waiting List; Wait-Listed (ticket issued without confirmed accommodations)
(Also as a sign: Whistle on approach to Level crossing!)
WM Works Manager
W/T Without Ticket
ZDOT Zero Death On Tracks (campaign to reduce fatalities from pedestrian trespassers)
ZISTU Zonal Integrated S&T Units
ZTC Zonal Training Centre
2T Two-tier (as in "AC-2T" = airconditioned two-tier coach)
3T Three-tier
Exp. Express
Jn. Junction (in station names)
Pass., Pgr. Passenger (train)
Raj Rajdhani Express
Rd. Road (in station names)
Cant., Cantt. Cantonment (in station names)
Mxd. Mixed (in train names)
Tr. Ckt. Track Circuit
Classes of Accommodation
1A First class Air-conditioned (also Executive Class)
2A Air-conditioned 2-tier sleeper
FC First Class
3A Air-conditioned 3-tier sleeper
CC Air-conditioned chair car
SL Sleeper class
2S Second-class Sitting
Ticket Quotas
GN General
LD Ladies
HO High Official / Headquarters
DF Defence
RC (RAC) Reservation against Cancellation
OS Out-station
RS Road-side
PH Parliament House
FT Foreign Tourist
DP Duty Pass
HP Handicapp