Complaint Letters to Principal about Library

Complaint Letter to Principal about Library

The library is one of the most important parts of an institute. It provides the books to people in that institute. It is the responsibility of an institute to provide proper books collection in the library so that every learner and reader can access them.

Non-availability or outdated version of books in the library can cause inconvenience for the students. They will have to move to other institutes for a better facility in the library.

A complaint letter to principal is written by the students, their parents or anyone employed in the school such as teachers, coordinator of school etc. The purpose of writing this letter is to let the principal know about the poor condition of the library.

Moreover, this letter also serves as request letter to principal for making the basic facilities of the library available to students.

What are the benefits of writing a complaint letter?

If the books in the library are not available or work out, you can complain about it to the schools’ principal. Writing a complaint letter is very beneficial for a number of reasons.

  1. The complaint letter let the concerned department know about the problem so it can take several steps to get rid of those problems.
  2. If the problem is due to the working staff’s negligence, it gets exposed.
  3. It also enables the school’s principal to investigate the details of funds that s/he has allocated for improvement of the library.
  4. With the help of complaint letter, you can easily get your all concerns addressed. It may not be possible for the principal to meet you in person. By writing a complaint letter, you can easily convey your message and problem to the principal.
  5. Many organizations believe that the person who complains is more loyal to the institute because it wants the institute to bring improvements and be a better institute than its competitors. In other words, writing a complaint letter gives a very positive message to the reader from your side that you are much concerned about the problem because you want everyone to be benefitted from the facility of the library.

Sample Letters

Complaint Letter to Principal about Library

Respected principal, I am a student of class 8 th in your school. I have been a part of this school for the last 5 years. I am very attached to my school for the amazing teachers we have and the activities we do. I have been a very avid reader. And reading is my passion. I was very fond of our school library, but I would like to suggest upgrading the library. It feels like all the books are very old and I have read them multiple times. With the advancement of technology and science, we need new books.

Therefore, I would request to upgrade the entire library with updated books.

Complaint Letter to Principal about Library

I am writing this letter to place a complaint against the university library. I have been in my last semester of economics. This indicates that I need to study more for my exams and work on my presentations. For this reason, I have been spending most of my time in the library after classes. But recently, it has got hard for me to spend my time in the library due to poor library conditions. There has been sitting and spacing issues a lot. Due to the exam session kicking in, more students are using the library. I would suggest if the university can consider expanding the library.

The timings of the library are also very short. I would like to complain about these timings. The timings should be extended so that we can spend more time sitting and studying.

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