Sending your child to an overnight summer camp is a big step for both you and your kids.
While they may spend the week at grandma’s or spend the night at a friend’s house, neither one of those scenarios is the same as being at an overnight camp for a week.
For some kids, if they’re shy or not used to being away from home, the experience can be scary or may be overwhelming.
For other kids, spending a week at an overnight camp is a thrilling and exciting time that flies by in a series of adventures.
But either way, parents usually sit on the edge of their seats all week long, wondering how their child is doing while they’re gone.
Whether your child is fearful of the experience or thrilled by it, sending letters home detailing their adventures and exploits will go a long way toward alleviating any concerns parents may have!
And since summer camp is ALL about the experience – taking a step away from electronics to try new things, meet new people and be active, kids probably won’t be on email and likely won’t have cell service.
It’s time to go old school with pen and paper!
But when kids are busy, they may have a hard time slowing down and taking the time to come up with things to tell Mom and Dad in a letter.
That’s why I came up with this adorable summer camp letter to parents template.
With this guided letter template, kids can quickly jot off a letter to parents and create something that parents will treasure now, and kids will treasure when they get older and look back on the experience.
It couldn’t be easier because I’ve done all the hard work for you! All you have to do is download the summer camp letter template, print off a few copies, and pack the copies along with some stamped envelopes into your child’s camp bag.
Then your kiddo can fill out a letter and mail it when they have a break in between activities.
Download the summer camp letter to parents template today by clicking the image below and entering your email address (you can unsubscribe anytime).
I hope this summer camp letter template helps both you and your kids find joy and success with the overnight camp experience this summer!
Here are some great books if you want to read them with your kids before taking them to camp.
The fun doesn’t stop with summer camp! Try these ideas too!