Channel Lineup: go to → Products → TV Channel Lineup.
On Demand SM : watch movies and your favorite shows on your schedule.
Splitter: installing two devices from the same cable outlet requires a splitter.
Why isn't my Mini Box working?
Try rebooting it— just unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, wait about 10 seconds, then plug the power cord back in. It may take a few minutes to fully reset. Also, make sure all of the connections are tight and completely plugged in.
How do I fix a "No Input" message on my TV?
The input/source might not be set correctly. To fix this, press the "input" or "source" button on your TV remote until you select the HDMI connection that matches the port your HDMI cable is plugged into on your TV.
How do I make the text on the Guide larger?
Press the "settings" button on the Cox remote and follow these steps: Guide Options → Other Settings → Guide Text Size → pick the size you want → press the "select" button on the remote. Visit for more support and troubleshooting.
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Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.