Mandatory Public Notice In Regards To SSN and IRS Withholding
Many, or some of us have heard that the W-4 withholding is voluntary and even though we have stated this, and many others have, – it has gone unnoticed and unheard. Maybe because we have not read or seen any documented proof (athough on this page is a wealth of information). Still our conditioning, and lack of study, has it so that we are not aware of how unconstitutional it is for anyone to demand that one MUST participate and make either SSN or IRS deductions. This is in accordance with the American Constitution of 1791, which is the law of the Land, for all entities, associations, corporations, etc., established upon the land.
Constitutionally, withholding of anyone’s compensation for exchange of their energy is in fact unconstitutional as the tax is imposed on the energy of the People, and it is an unconstitutional act for a any corporation on record as NOT even being an agency of the federal government.
In fact. not too long ago, you would see the postings in the employment office and at the workers lunch area, that expressed rights as it relates to sexual harassment in the workplace, fair wage rates and other various types of discrimination and issues relative to the rights of the worker.
As well, there is another body of information that is supposed to be posted, as a requirement of ALL employers, and that is two Public Notices expressing that the W-4 withholdings, inclusive of the SSN and IRS, are voluntary..…Have you seen it?
Click Below so you can review it. Pay close attention to the last line.
ADDITIONALLY: Your employer, whoever that is, has an agreement with the respective state in which they have established their business, and they have agreed to OFFER you the W-4 upon your hiring. They have also agreed to be fined or sanctioned by the respective state if they (the employer) does not OFFER you the W-4 form. What you need to know is that an offer may be made, but you have the right to refuse such offer and you are NOT to be terminated as a result of it, as those deductions are IN FACT voluntary, thus is your choice and at your will and can be terminated at your will. There is absolutely nothing unlawful about not wanting to make voluntary contributions. Because the people have not known this, it has become common practice and expected 'income' for corporations and has escalated to many being in fact threatened with termination by their employer. The employer may be beholding to the corporate state it was established under and they have agreed to comply as an agent of same. But that does not infringe upon you and your rights to volunteer or to contract or not. You cannot be compelled to act or contract. The important factor is we don't take the time to identify the 'parties' involved, or to 'follow the 'money' trail to know who is behind the scene extorting finances via human energy and threat, duress and coercion. Simply, say thank you to the employer, but I do not volunteer to make contributions. Do not argue with your employer, simply state your position and if necessary, tell your employer you are aware they are subject to being fined or sanctioned by the state if they do not offer the form (instead of letting them tell you it is the law, when it is not). Therefore, you will put in writing, as proof and evidence that the employer did in fact offer the W-4 to you, and they can send that statement to their respective 'Tax Consultant' for the record, which eliminates them from being fined or sanctioned and proves they did their part in offering it. No one can make you volunteer, no one can make you contribute, as contributions mean they are voluntary in their nature. You must wake up and start thinking critically.
The problem we have is called 'attitude', often we take an attitude with this information and therefore create our own problems. We say too much, yet not enough, and / or not the 'right words', and speak with an attitude that is used against us, as you are to speak in an intelligent tone at all times. We trust it is because of lack of knowledge and we trust that what is being shared here, will help you to curb your attitude and enforce the law in simplicity.
Click below for the Public Notices: